What is ARES and RACES
ARES is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, which assists with communications during emergencies. This service is provided to state and local governments and to relief organizations. ARES is sponsored by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League).
RACES is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service which assists state and local governments with emergency communications. Local government Emergency Managers appoints RACES Officers and Operators.
ARES – RACES Organization in Valencia County, New Mexico
We are a combined ARES/RACES group and our Valencia County ARES Emergency Coordinator (and Assistants) hold corresponding Valencia County RACES Officer (and Assistants) appointments. Participating operators also hold joint appointments. While the Valencia County Amateur Radio Association sponsors these efforts, our ARES/RACES efforts are under the direction of our Emergency Coordinator/RACES Officer.
Organization charts are included in Section 2 of our Operations Guidelines and you are encouraged to look them over.
You Are Invited to Join Our Emergency Communications Efforts
All licensed Amateur Radio Operators are invited to participate in our ARES/RACES emergency communication efforts. All that is required is a desire to assist and serve our communities. There is a role for everyone regardless of your level of license, experience or equipment.
VCARA or ARRL membership is not required to participate in ARES/RACES. However, since VCARA sponsors our efforts and much of our coordination and communication is through the club meetings and newsletter, it would be appreciated if you would join our club.
While Amateur Radio operators who are not associated with ARES and/or RACES may assist during an emergency, such recognition is important. First, our operators will be the first called when there is an emergency. Second, our operators’ ID badges will facilitate access during emergencies. Third, government emergency operations centers access may be restricted to operators holding approved ID badges. Fourth, if assistance is requested outside the county, ID badges are typically required. And fifth, information such as our Operations Guidelines and notice of training exercises are distributed to our operators.