How to Join/Pay My Dues
Joining the VCARA
For Information on how to join the Valencia County Amateur Radio Association, send an e-mail to requesting a membership application form and a club brochure, or, click on the link below and download the application form to your computer. Fill it out completely and mail it along with your dues payment to the address below. Club information and receipt will be sent to you by e-mail or USPS.
Annual Dues
Effective July 01, 2024
VCARA fiscal year is July 01 through June 30
Individual Membership: $30.00 per year
Family Membership: $40.00 per year
Associate Membership: $20.00 per year (non-license holder)
After January 1st and before July 1st , the dues for new members:
Individual Membership: $20.00
Family Membership: $30.00
Associate Membership: $15.00
Please submit dues to any officer at any time, or by mail to:
VCARA Treasurer
PO Box 268
Peralta, NM 87042
Send PayPal payments to:
with notation “VCARA member dues”
If you elect to pay your dues by mail, please include your name, address, phone number, current call sign (and that of licensed family members if you are paying for a family membership), and an email address if you have one. If you are an ARRL member, we need that information also.
Please send check or money order, the club is not liable for cash lost in the mail.
Donations to VCARA
Valencia County ARA, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 New Mexico non-profit organization and charitable contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift and estate taxes. Our Federal Tax Identification Number is 46-1632395.